Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hanging of the Green

I don't know about you, but i've never been a part of a church that did a "Hanging of the Green" Service.  For those who don't know what this is, this is the service where we decorate the church for the Advent/Christmas season.  This has been a very important service in our church, involving a lot of people, as we hang wreaths, place poinsettias, put the nativity on the manger, etc.  this year, I took on the task of writing our service.  In doing so, I found that there just aren't very many resources out there for designing this particular service.  Therefore, I've decided to make ours available for anyone else that might find it helpful.  You can find it by clicking here.  It is themed around some of the names of Christ - emphasizing an answer to the question: Who is this baby in the manger that we celebrate?  I am also trying to get the script we used last year, which was written by one of our members and was based on the theme of the marriage supper of the Lamb.  It was very powerful!  Hopefully, I'll be able to post that in a future link.

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